South Shore KY
Elder James Hobbs Sr, Pastor

Bible Conference
April 4-6, 2002

TO LISTEN: Click on any of the links that are marked as listen and then your default mp3 player will open to play the file from my website.

TO DOWNLOAD: Right click on any of the links below marked as download and then click on "save as" to save them onto your computer to listen to later...

These may not be in the order they were originally preached.  Unfortunately, I lost my program and have not found anyone who still has one.  So, they are on here at a random order at this point.  A couple of the sermons were not recorded in their entirety, but I have included them anyways.  I MIGHT be missing a tape, but if that is the case and you know it, please tell me!

"Total Depravity" by Brother Lewis Kiger     (listen | download)
"Unconditional Election" by Elder Ken Boswell       (listen | download)
"Limited Atonement" by Elder Doug Newell       (listen | download)
"Irresistible Grace" by Elder Willard Pyle      (listen | download)
"Perseverance and Preservation of the Saints"  by Elder Bob Allard     (listen | download)
"Evangelism" by Elder Roger Reed      (listen | download)
"The Bible (KJV)" by Elder Don Pennington      (listen | download)
"Satanism" by Elder John Pruitt      (listen | download)
"Godly Living and Dress" by Elder Troy Sheppard     (listen | download)
"Women's Place In The Church" by Brother David Green     (listen | download)
"Church Authority" by Elder Pete Horn    (listen | download)
"Proper Baptism" by Elder Troy McGahan       (listen | download)